Thursday 5 May 2011

Mossad conspiracy to replace my toothpaste with a product identical in every respect but only 97% as effective in fighting plaque.

There are several reasons to hate Israel, but, for non-Palestinians, only one good one- viz. that Mossad breaks into our homes every night for no better purpose than to replace our toothpaste with a product identical in every respect but only 97% as effective in fighting plaque. To make this very simple point is not evidence of Anti-Semitism nor does it amount to a ringing endorsement of Adolf Hiter's moustache.
I suppose now I've come out and broken omerta on this subject, I will immediately find myself the target of the shadowy cabal  that secretly controls the Banks and the Media and the Military Industrial Complex- I refer of course to the Muppets. Except Miss Piggy. She's all right. It's the others who work all the mischief.

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